Those With AFIB: How Do You Mentally Prepare Yourself For Social Activities?
I am 63, diagnosed with Afib January 2021. Currently on Flecainde and Eliquis. Having a bit of hiccup with a few rapid heartbeat episodes (not Afib apparently) and working on establishing the cause. I have other health issues as well, but I am concerned about having Afib while away from my home. Trying to keep my faith in God at the front of my mind, but I can't seem to get over the anxious feeling of taking a short trip. The last thing I want is to let Afib and these other health issues dictate… read more
I push through it and go and do what I want. Since this is not a life-threatening situation and you control it the best you can that is all you can really do. If you get Afib on the trip you will be just fine until you get home. Speak to the doctor about what to do if this happens. Maybe they will want you to contact them. I have beta blockers that I keep with me and in the event of an episode, I begin to take one a day, and often that will slow it enough to put it back into sinus rhythm. I can't take them all the time because my heart goes too slow but when I need to slow things down they are safe for me to take for a few days. Also, practice deep breathing and try meditation to slow the heart rate and help control your anxiety about traveling. I hope this helps you. Hugs❤️
It sounds like you are really knowledgeable about your health and the pills that are needed. I can see why you are worrying. I have CHF and AFib diagnosed 6/20. I feel that there is a warning before an AFib episode occurs. When we push ourselves too hard to get things done we get agitated and an episode starts. What I try to do is stay calm, take it easy and move at a slower pace. I have had to cancel plans more than once and I do feel safer staying home but, that's not fun. So I do go out for lunch with friends and family and they seem to understand my problem. I have them here for holidays too. We can live with this disease and plan ahead. We're all different tho and what works for one won't work for others. Good luck, you can do this.
I guess I'm more like Caryn, I just do it. I am confident that if something serious arises, I can find a clinic or hospital and seek help. I do not want to let my health issues run my life, CHF, CAD, CKD, afib, chronic digestive issue, chronic knee pain, back issues. I take meds for all, or treatments for pain relief. That's all I can do. I have three monthly meetings, one bi-weekly breakfast and thats not much socialization, so I try hard not to miss any of it.
I wish I could be of help with AFib fears. I worked myself into an AFib episode from worry. I was to take my grandson to lunch and I just didn't feel confident to drive on this highway . .. .merging is so dangerous. Instead of changing plans I worked myself up and caused my own problem. I've learned that staying calm is important. Going out to lunch with the girls is of concern but, I've had no problem so far. Everyone is different tho. Blessings.
Hi, Iris, I am just got back from a 2 week trip to NJ. I asked the doctor for some beta blockers to take with me and I did just fine the whole time! No afib unless it happened while I was sleeping. I think you might be having what is called premature beats. You will feel them but they are not harmful. They come and go and get more frequent when you worry, are stressed, feel anxious or when you are tired. If you don't like meditation, try listening to some soothing music it always seems to help. Don't forget to build rest into every day. It really helps keep your heart out of AFIB. I Hope today finds you feeling well. Hugs🤗
I Recently Got Diagnosed With AFib With Bp 220 And Trip To Hospital In Jan, 2024 And Have Had Fibulations For Past Few Years. Need Support
Good Morning Hope Everyone Is Doing Well. Does Anyone In This Group Take Anything For Anxiety Or Depression. If So What Is It
What Do You Do To Take Good Care Of Yourself?