Is Anyone Repatha? This Injectable Medication Has Been Recommended For My Cholesterol.
I would like to know what problems if any there are. Does it cause memory problems or muscle cramps? Thanks
No memory issues.
I need to add one important issue I am currently experiencing with Repatha 140mg. Though this creeped up on me very slowly like Statins did and not immediately associating my symptoms with Repatha. I stopped Repatha because it was causing me Pheriphial Neuropathy. Started on my feet, then the Calf's to my buttocks. Had to go to Neurologist. It was established that my nerves where not as they should be. Needless to say I wondered why? Then it daunted on me about my Medication because it is the only one I take. I researched this further and found a case study with the exact symptoms, tingly legs, numbness, leg muscle fatigue. The is person was also on Repatha and it was established that Repatha was the cause of her symptoms. Needless to say I immediately tested this and stopped my Repatha. Wholly! After a few days since stopping it I started to notice some improvement and today much better. Based on this information and experience and expecting the symptoms to dissipate after 2 to 3 weeks.
Repatha is relatively a newish medication and there for not enough time for people in having reported similar symptoms. It is expected that there will be in the near future. The nerve cells do not make their own cholesterol but need cholesterol that binds with the protective coating to protect the nerve endings. So it gets it from elsewhere in our Body. But this process is disrupted by this medication based on researchers findings. Not surprised. So, take this information in mind to help you in case you also have such symptoms. In the meantime I stick to my whole plant base diet.
I been on Repatha since Sept works so much better than statins for me...i could not tolerate my LDL..down to 30s and total cholestrol down from 200s to the 80s
I've been prescribed Repatha, but the cost is prohibitive for me. Statins cause me to have horrible leg cramps and total loss of sleep.
I used it for over a year . No issues for CHF . I have tried every statin had awful body aches could not walk . With Rupatha no issues . Cholesterol still higher than cardio wanted . Due to high cost Iām now on preludent no issues been on this since January I get it through Perscription assistance 123 . Because of the high cost for $59.00 a month Perscription Assistance is picking up 3 of my meds . I have excellent Insurance last year we paid out of pocket over $6,000.00
Has Anyone Started Using Repatha Injections? If So, Has It Worked For You? ā¤
Cholesterol Question
Hi. Is Anyone On Injectable Repatha. It Is Working To Lower Cholesterol Really Well. My Question Is Are You Experiencing More Joint Pain?