Has Anyone Here Had Their Cardiologist (or Other Physician) Recommend A Whole-food, Plant-based Diet To Treat Their Heart Disease?
Would love to hear from you.
Im reading a book titled , How to prevent and reverse Heart disease, and it's basically a plant based vegan diet written by a cardiologist. It's a very compelling book and this doctor seems to be on point with his research and facts .
My last cardiologist told me if I wanted to get off of Atorvastatin that I had to go on a plant based diet. I tweeked my diet up to where I was eating all healthy foods and cut back on the meats and he let me get off of it. I have also read that the Paleo diet and the Mediterranean diet are recommended for heart patients.
Good book to read…..but I wouldn’t give my heart doctor up
A Dr on another forum (not cardiac) mentioned Dr's historically spent one day in medical school on nutrition. She recommended whole foods, mediterranean diet watching sodium level focusing on antioxidant rich foods that help get a full complement of nutrients while fighting inflammation.
Try to minimize high inflammatory foods; sugars, fast food, etc.
Opinions Please. Local Cardiovascular Providers Don't Seem To Acknowledge This Condition. I Wonder Why?
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I Was Diagnosed At Age 70 In ER After Testing With Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction Stage1, Yet 5 Heart MD’s All Say I Have No Heart Malady?