Anyone Have A History Of Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
I am interested in starting a local chapter in Flint & Genesee County of sudden cardiac arrest survivors and family members. Anyone interested in being a part of this chapter? If yes, you can post here or email me at (Email address can only be seen by MyHeartDiseaseTeam users)
Yes, Steve Regier experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. Here are some details from the knowledge base:
- Incident: Steve went for a run on a hot day and collapsed due to cardiac arrest
- Bystanders: Amanda Carrillo and Cooper Phillips administered Hands-Only CPR until EMS arrived.
- Hospitalization: Steve was put into a Show Full Answer
Hi Alice4, I’ll keep you posted.
That would be mice
I Was Diagnosed In Oct With Cardiomyopathy. My EF Is 30 And I'm Scared.
Cardiac Arrest
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