Do You Need To Limit Your Sodium? How Much Sodium Should You Eat A Day?
Limiting sodium is important for those with heart failure. Prisma Health dietitian Lisa Akly, RDN, explains how much sodium is too much, which foods to limit, what to use as salt substitutes and what to stay away from, and much more. For more information, visit
I follow my nutritionalist information I was given in my cardiac maintenance program. They didn't cover just exercise but nutrition. No two of us have the same cardiac conditions nor did we get in this condition for the same reason. These dietitians have a general understanding of heart conditions and they see us all as being the same over weight individuals. I have to take 2000mg of sodium daily as I was being hospitalized once or twice a year for the first 6 or 7 years for severe dehydration. Not fun having fluid pumped in for 2 or 3 days none stop. I have to use the added table salt. I been using MrsDash for fourty years. Not to be confused with the Dash diet, I have no reason to lose weight as I've been underweight my whole life. A dietitian can't tell you what cardiac conditions I have as to why I'm not allowed to eat bananas but a cardiac nutritionist can.
I went back and listened to it again. I am thankful to the person who let us see this video. I dont eat out at restaurants because that takes away from the money that I need for groceries. But I knew that we were only suppose to have 600 mg I think a day. And this was a great article.
This is very interesting because I had to see my Kidney Doctor Monday and I am in the first stage of kidney disease. The blood test that I did a week ago the potassuim was 3.0 and that was high for me. She asked why it was high and I told her the heart medicine that I take called Entresto the prescription has been a higher dosage and it has potassuim connected to it so it would take the excess water away from the heart. Inflation has been high and I have only shopped for what I could afford. Not knowing that Pumpkin and potatoes and other things were high in soduim and potassum which I am trying to figure out the difference between soduim and potassuim. But I had to take another blood test Monday and the doctor called me Tuesday and said that the potassuim level had went up to 5.0 and that it could stop the heart from beating so she gave a list of things that I can have and things that I cant have. So I am following the list that is good for me.
Hi Ivey,
Just heard back that my mitral valve is deformed in some way so to do surgery on this valve I would not survive but to do the Aortic valve would help the mitral valve. I'm also looking into what can be done for these valves to reduce calcification. Someone here had two places to go that look promising.❤️
I am only allowed 2000 mg a day.
How Much Sodium Do You Consume Per Day?
Best Salt Alternative
Congestive Heart Failure