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Top 3 search results for "Zocor" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Statins ( Yay Or Nay)

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭

Well my doc thinks with my new number ( total cholesterol jumping to 248 from 215) in three weeks
I need a statin 😩😩😩

Looking for insight on statins
Any better or worse than the other ? What is a no no on statins ? Can you come off statins ? I’m 63 ( sometimes my BP is in the 130s/over 70s and sometimes 110s/70s

Looking to hear from people who have to take another medication just to keep walking the earth 🤗🤗🤗

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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Any brand better than the another ?

I Am Wondering If Anyone Has Suffered Severe Muscle Pain That Has Been Attributed To Statins?

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have been taking statins for four years without any seemingly big side effects. However, in the last six months, I have developed severe pain in my hips and legs, enough that I cannot sleep without pain medication. Can it be the statins?

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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I had muscle pain and leg cramps from all of the statins that I tried. The last time I took a statin was in 2012.


A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have read and heard that CoQ10 helps when you are on Statins, for I take 5mg every other night, wants to get of but my Dr. suggested not to because of CAD disease. opinion on the supplement.

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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

My cardiologist suggested to take. For me, it gives me energy, so I must take it early in the day. I do take low dose statin. Also, I read that if one has CHF , it is a good supportive supplement… read more