Tell me about your experience with undergoing lexiscan procedure. Potential side effects are frightening (possible heart attack, death.)
What are alternatives?
i threw up coming out...just made it out
I had it done when they injected the dye I felt like I couldn't breathe like I had been running. They had a nurse cardiologist and a paramedic right there watching me. Kinda scary but not as bad as I thought it would be. Wishing u the best of 🤞
I’ve had it twice. It’s strange. Feels like you’re running but just laying there. The nuclear test is waaaayyy easier than the mri with contrast. I got really sick on the mri contrast. I didn’t feel unsafe at any point during the nuclear stuff. I’ll take that a thousand times over the mri. I’m quite young for this stuff so my risks were very low. But having done every heart test, the lexiscan didn’t bother me
Nuclear Stress/ Lexiscan
What's A Lexiscan Stress Test And What Are The Typical Side Effects?
Left Chest Pain, Should I Be Concerned ..