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Fitbit's Best Smartwatch Is A Steal For Cyber Monday - Still $179.95 @ Amazon And A Few Other Stores.

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Westminster, MD

My wife started wearing mine a week ago and likes it. I ordered a second yesterday. It alerted me to Afib way before any symptoms. I wanted to try Apple 10 for about $150 more but couldn’t find a local store where I could try and handle it. I wouldn’t be without a device like these and am glad my wife now has one.

Fitbit's best smartwatch is a steal for Cyber Monday
Fitbit's best smartwatch is a steal for Cyber Monday
December 4, 2024
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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I absolutely adore my Apple Watch and it is 3 plus years old! My daughter got it for me after my Heart Failure diagnosis! And on three separate occasions she has called an ambulance for me after a hard fall! In each of those times I was not unconscious and could have called myself but it is very nice not to have to when you are injured! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

December 4, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

That's great having the option of the flexibility of monitoring yourself at will is fantastic because with arrhythmias they come and go and who wants to pay for a doctor's visit that you don't have to not only that you may be in a normal rhythmia when you're at the doctor and they say you're okay minutes hours days later you are not. I opted for the Kardia mobile 6 not because it was cheaper because that's all it focuses on is your heart rate and arrhythmias up to six different readings that I can save in a PDF file and email it to anyone save it for my doctor to read or email it to them too and it's FDA approved it's very accurate it's more accurate than the watches in fact when I took my EKG I used my cardio mobile 6 and it said the exact same thing as the high-end machine in the hospital it tells me if I'm staying in afib or not and whether to go to the hospital so when I need to really go to hospital I will be able to make an educated decision to go or if I don't need to go then it tells me I've converted back to normal arrhythmia.

December 4, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Watches, rings and cardia mobile are all good tools best used when appropriate. I was in 50% Afib for 14 months from the day it started until my Ablation. My FitBit informed then nagged me until I took action. My primary care confirmed AFIB with an EKG. My cardiologist did another EKG that showed normal rhythm. Pros had a 50 % mis already knowing I had Afib. Someday , and I hope that day never comes. Cardia mobile may be of value to me but I’m sticking with wearables and getting the family to join me.

Perfect accuracy 50% of the time ….

December 6, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

After re-reading the above article I may travel the 30 plus miles to an Apple Store to try all three. FitBit has most of the features except the fall/crash detection. A feature we would like to have and is worth the extra money. Both my wife and I think the black Apple Watch with plastic band looks like something Darth Vader would wear. I think the larger face only comes in black. In the end, it’s nice to like what you wear. Fitbit will be here Monday so will decide this week.

Anyone have advice?

December 4, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Apple watches have many more features than the cardio mobile 6 L. however they are not more accurate based on real clinical studies not just someone's opinion or experience to my knowledge they are not FDA approved having them is way better than nothing at all and I'm sure apple is one of the better ones than other models that do the same thing however specifically just for cardiovascular arrhythmias the cardio mobile for me is the way to go because of the reliability targeting just heart arrhythmias and BPM also the app there's a lot of information and options and benefits to having the subscription just FYI from someone that has this device for two years experience in fact I would rather have both because of all the other options with the watches that you don't get with the cardio mobile 6 L. so we can do all of what cardio mobile 6 does plus the other features as well however for accuracy of arrhythmias I would rely on the cardio mobile 6L at this time. I have two cardiologists and my primary care and they all are very supportive about this device it's been out for about I think 4 years and you would be surprised at how many do not know it exist there is a campaign of advertisement on it now has the price for it has been lowered.

December 5, 2024

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