Is CHF Heart Disease?
Is congestive heart failure considered
heart disease?
Kay, CHF and heart disease are related so to speak. Make sure you see your cardiologist about it
Yes CHF is a Heart ❤️ Disease I know because I myself have CHF ❤️ 😃
I am not sure it is technically heart disease but it is a heart condition. I consider it heart disease and I too have it. 🤗
Kay, I would think CHF is considered heart disease, I would consult your Cardiologist.
I am not sure about the CHF but I would think it is considered heart disease. I love your frame on your profile picture.
CCM Vs. Barostim
Need Help Managing Congestive Heart Failure. How Do You Have Quality Of Life? How Much Rest Is Necessary? How Long Can You Work With Chf????
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