Should I Be Worried If My Resting Heart Rate Is Below 40bpm?
Wondering about this resting heart rate, my husband’s resting heart rate is below 40 most of the time as well. He can’t get an appt until May.. so 8 months out.. criminal
My cousin who is a nurse… read more
Anyone Have Valve Disease (2 Valves) That Surgery/TAVR Is Not An Option. If So How Are You Doing?
Have HCM with septal myectomy in 2018
A a good video
Does Anyone Have An Opinion About TAVR Or SAVR For A 74 Year Old Male With No Other Problems Trying To Decide Which To Do
I Have Had Minor Deposits Of Plaque In My Arteries How Do I Determine How Much Additional There Is?
This was determined by a heart catheterization about 10 years ago. Is there a way to measure how much additional plague has been added since then?
Hi Roger,, I think there is another X-ray to determine Calcium channels and can tell the doctor if you have or have the possibility of developing coronary artery disease. I have not had this test… read more
How Do You Deal With A Mini Stroke?
I went off my blood thinners for 4 days. While driving I lost my sight and control. Drs diagnosed a mini stroke.
A mini stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), requires immediate medical attention. Here are the steps to take:
1. Recognize Symptoms: Symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a… read more
Has Anyone Had A Watchman Device Put In?
I have been taking blood thinners for 10 years to control the event of a blood clot. I have a
Pacemaker, a Defibrillator, aortic valve replacement...Several ablations, and I go to cardiac rehab 3 days a week
My question revolves around a Watchman which has been put forward by my cardiologist. The device fits on the left side of the heart and elevates the use of blood thinners after a time
This would be beneficial as I bleed and bruise at the slightest bump. Anyone have experienced the use of… read more
I was told I was not a candidate. I take Warfarin. It can be a nuisance. Keeping track of vitamin K etc. But the other meds I cannot afford.
Is There A Better Way To To Correct A Fib Then Cardio Inversion?
Are there better ways to correct AFib than cardioversion?
There are several treatment options for atrial fibrillation (AFib) beyond cardioversion, which include:
1. Medications
-… read more
Fitbit's Best Smartwatch Is A Steal For Cyber Monday - Still $179.95 @ Amazon And A Few Other Stores.
My wife started wearing mine a week ago and likes it. I ordered a second yesterday. It alerted me to Afib way before any symptoms. I wanted to try Apple 10 for about $150 more but couldn’t find a local store where I could try and handle it. I wouldn’t be without a device like these and am glad my wife now has one.
;i Need Information On My Pvc And Pac As They Scare Me To Death Andc The Drs Just Say Wait We Will Check Again In 6 Months
thank you
Wht Is Your Target Heart Rate Suppose To Be
if yur on beta blockers and are 58 years old how do u you determine it!!
220- your age